Friday, February 25, 2011

Eat and heat in Chinatown

Bangkok is always in perpetual motion, a funny chaos prevails in the labyrinthine streets: food stalls in the middle of business buildings, people swarming around, heat and so on.  Crazy set for a unforgettable memories.

If you have the chance to drop by Bangkok, I highly recommend you to eat at those traditional food stalls that stand at pretty much every square meter. Authentic food, authentic smiley locals....

Style beats the heat! Manish Arora leggins and Prada heels...

Who's Bag: Naco
Daisy Duke Necklace: Shourouk


  1. Bangkok, j'en rêve !
    Mais là c'est sur le collier que je craque... comme d'hab.
    Bravo pour vos très belles créations.

  2. you look gorgeous !!! see yu xoxo GG
